Built by Homeschool Educators for Homeschool Educators


Fully integrated A.I. Curriculum Builder and Lesson Plan Creator

Let our AI Avatar "AILA" (AI Learning Assistant) Help you with this!

Are you struggling with structuring your curriculum for the year? Need a great outline?

No Problem! With just a few clicks you can lay out an entire year's homeschool curriculum outline within minutes, taking the stress out of planning ever year.

Need Ideas on science experiments you can conduct at home with everyday supplies? No Problem!


The Definitive Blueprint for Homeschool Success

Full Access to the H.E.A.R.T. Academy's Homeschool Educators Success Blueprint. This course has everything you can ever think to ask about the homeschooling process. It is over 200 pages of easily navigable content separated in easy to understand modules that make finding all of your answers a breeze. Curious about homeschool laws in your state? It' s in there!

Curious about how to make sure you child is Socialized? It's in there?

Want to know the best way to structure your curriculum and track the results? It's in there!

What about the tools you need to help your child apply to college? It's in there!

As we stated, this is a comprehensive manual on ALL THINGS homeschool related. The awesome thing is, you can just go to the section you need answers on today.


COMING SOON: Mobile Friendly Homeschool Activity Tracker

Enter you Key Info to stay compliant with your state's homeschool education legal requirements. Track hours, activity, time spent on each task, how much progress you have made YTD in your core vs elective hours, how many hours were completed at home vs field trips, and even include homework samples.

All of this at the press of a button and you can manage it in minutes!


COMING SOON: Transcript Creator

Creating a high school homeschool transcript has gained increased significance. It not only serves as an uplifting summary of your student's high school journey, but it's also imperative for college applications. Moreover, it has become exceptionally advantageous when seeking employment within various state government entities. Transcripts have transcended their role in just college applications. High school students may now find requests for their transcripts from various sectors, including colleges, employers, the military, scholarship selection committees, vocational schools, apprenticeship programs, and more. Surprisingly, even your auto insurance provider might seek a transcript to determine eligibility for a good student driver discount. These requests can arise both during high school and after graduation. In fact, the utility of a transcript can extend long after graduation. HSLDA's educational consultants have encountered numerous cases where parents hadn't created transcripts for their teenagers, only to realize many years, and sometimes even decades, post-graduation that these now-adult individuals suddenly required transcripts for security clearance, career advancement opportunities, enrollment in certification programs, financial aid eligibility, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Are you Ready to Join H.E.A.R.T. Academy?


Gain Access to ALL of these amazing tools for only $49

Yes! You read that correctly)) For a limited time during our Initial Rollout, $49 today will give you 12 months access to all of the feature we have shown you above. We know the demands on time and money for a homeschool family. We want this to be your Personal Assistant in delivering a world-class education to your kiddos. That is why we are keeping the cost so low.

We just hope that you love it and tell all of your friends to become part of the H.E.A.R.T. Academy, as well, so we can continue to deliver such amazing tools and resources and keep our pricing this low!


H.E.A.R.T. Academy

Built by Homeschool Educators for Homeschool Educators